Wednesday, December 19, 2018

5 Super Effective Ways To Get Smooth Hair

Super Effective Ways To Get Smooth Hair

While you battle tangles and try to tame the frizz, regular brushing and using a billion different leave-in serums don’t always seem to do the trick. Having smooth hair may start to seem likely only in dreams. However, smooth hair without tangles or frizz is not unattainable.
There are two ways in which you can attain smooth hair – the natural way, using certain ingredients, tips, and tricks that promote smoothness, and the chemical way. While natural smoothing is temporary, the effect it has on your hair is more on the positive side. Chemical smoothing is permanent, and lasts for about four to eight months. But, it tends to have a damaging effect on your hair if it’s not cared for properly.
Read on to know more about these two smoothing methods, and decide which one would be the ideal choice for you.

How To Get Smooth Hair Naturally

While these methods are temporary, natural smoothing is likely to improve the health of your hair in the long run, making it smooth and shiny.

1. Rinse With Cold Water

Use cold water to rinse your hair as it will seal the upper layer of your hair shaft, making it smooth and shiny. While developing an aversion towards cold water during winters is completely normal, using warm or hot water will lift your cuticles and cause your to hair frizz. If you cannot stand the thought of using cold water to shower, wash your hair using the bend-and-wash method. Keep a bucket of cold water next to you and using a jug, bend forward and start pouring the water through your hair. Shampoo, condition, and rinse your hair in this manner.

2. Aloe Vera Gel

You would be surprised to know that aloe vera is a powerhouse of 75 known nutrients . It contains enzymes that lead to healthy hair growth and make it smooth and soft. Aloe vera gel has the same chemical composition as that of keratin – the protein that makes up a large majority of our hair’s build-up. Thus, the gel easily penetrates the hair shafts and provides the required moisturization.
You Will Need
Aloe vera stem
1.   Cut a few pieces of the aloe vera stem to extract fresh gel.
2.   Dilute it with water and apply it on your hair.
3.   Let it sit for 30 minutes and then wash off with a mild shampoo

3. Egg Pack

You must be familiar with the wonders of the egg pack. Whether your hair is dry and damaged, or oily and limp, the egg hair pack is the instant solution for it all. It contains a high concentration of proteins and nutrients, which help to make your hair shiny and bouncy. Here’s how you can use eggs to make your hair smooth:
You Will Need
·         1 egg
·         1 teaspoon honey
·         1 teaspoon cream
·         1 teaspoon olive oil
1.   Beat an egg in a small bowl and then add a teaspoon each of honey, cream, and olive oil.
2.   Mix well to form a smooth paste and apply it all over the hair.
3.   Leave it on until it dries. Wash it off with cool water and shampoo as usual.

4. Banana Pack

Banana is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, natural oils, and potassium. It is a well known antioxidant that helps fight free radicals . Using banana in a hair pack will make your hair feel nourished and moisturized. It reduces frizz and soothes an irritated scalp with the regular use. The benefits of banana can be enhanced by adding yogurt to it, which is also a great hair moisturizer.

You Will Need
·         1 ripe banana
·         2 teaspoons yogurt

1.   Mash a ripe banana and add two teaspoons of yogurt to it.
2.   Blend it to get a smooth paste so that no chunks of the banana remain.
3.   Apply this all over the hair, starting from the tips and work up till the crown.
4.   Rinse off after 45 minutes with a shampoo.

6. Hot Oil Treatment

A hot oil massage once a week will not only give you healthy and smooth hair, but it will also help you de-stress. Use oils such as coconut, olive, sweet almond, jojoba, castor, lavender, rosemary, and thyme to massage your hair. You can also use the combination of these oils for better results.
You Will Need
2-3 tablespoons of oil, depending on the length of your hair
1.   Massage your scalp with the oil and apply it to all of your hair.
2.   After massaging your scalp, wrap your head with a warm towel. This creates an environment that allows for maximum penetration of the oil.
3.   Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash off the oil with shampoo.

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